Disease patterns & discomforts

Common diseases & their causes

"Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing," the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said. The NUHR Medical Center has also dedicated itself to this guiding principle. The human being, with his or her individual strengths and characteristics, and his or her health are therefore at the center of our attention. However, external influences as well as internal circumstances can throw anyone's health out of balance. Then suddenly climbing stairs becomes a torture, the favorite sport becomes an ordeal or sleep disturbances set in. We have therefore specialized in typical diseases, their symptoms and causes, in order to accompany you optimally on your individual path to a better quality of life.

From the Stone Age to the Information Society

Humans have evolved from hunter-gatherers to members of a fast-moving information society. This is precisely why daily activities have also changed over the years. Today, a lot of sitting, coupled with little movement, means that back pain and spinal disorders, including slipped discs, are not uncommon. In addition, the risk of contracting muscle pain due to short-term overuse and overstraining is increasing. In addition, joint diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis are among the most important medical conditions of our time, and stress-related ailments such as chronic headaches are also on the rise. Common ailments include:

Determine the cause

No matter whether temporary pain or chronic discomfort - it is important to find the reason as soon as possible, to interpret symptoms correctly and to consult experts. For this purpose, the specialists at the NUHR Medical Center in Lower Austria are always at your side and will find the optimal therapy for your individual needs.